This is to announce that the Editors of Electronic Physician Journal (Prof Dr. Wolfgang Seger from Germany, Dr. Mehrdad Jalalian from Iran) will speech in Algeria during ICHSMT 16.
Dr. Wolfgang Seger is an Associate Editor of Electronic Physician Journal and he is currently Professor of rehabilitation medicine, chairman of the German Federal Medical Rehabilitation Advisory Board, head of Social Medicine of all Social Health and Long-Term-Care Insurances in Lower Saxony, Germany.
After his successful speech on the topics of journal evaluation and publication ethics in August 2015- by invitation of the ex-chair of Committee of Publication Ethics- (COPE), Dr. Mehrdad Jalalian has been invited to be the chair of Publication Ethics session of the Conference and will also discuss about the evaluation of scholarly journals.
Dr. Khelassi Abdeljalil (Associate Editor of Electronic Physician Journal) is the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of ICHSMT 16, Algeria, and he is currently Associate Professor at Computer Science Department, and Head of Knowledge and Information Engineering Research Team KIERT at Informatic Research Laboratory IRL, Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Algeria.
The announcement of ICHSMT 16 is available on this link.
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