This is to announce that the editor-in-chief of Electronic Physician will present discussion sessions and a full-day speech in Shar-e-Kord University (Shar-e-Kord, Iran) covering the today’s hot topics in the academic arena: publication ethics, journal quality evaluation, and the publication ideas/scientific writing. The audience will include professors, lecturers, and faculty members.

The primary focus of this discussion seminar will be current methods of evaluating the quality of scientific journals and the impact of metrics and qualitative approaches in determining the reliability of published works in scholarly journals. Discussion of publication ideas and the standards and routines in organizing common types of journal papers, i.e., original articles, case reports, reviews, critique, and letters to the editor (LTE), also will be included in the seminar. The common mistakes in writing and organizing original articles will be discussed as well. Finally, the ethics of reporting research findings, especially the ethics of paper-based and web-based questionnaire research, will be also be considered.


Editorial Office,

Electronic Physician

November 04, 2015

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